Monday, 26 November 2012

Is K-Pop a global issue?

K-Pop? What exactly is K-Pop? Well, I know one thing, it's a pain in the *** the way I see it. Fans would queue for so many hours to see their idols, while the hardcore ones would simply "overnight" in front of the ticket booth. Majority would spent most of their days in front of the laptop or television to ogle these so called "hot" Koreans. Not just K-Pop, but Koreans are the issue here. From their songs, looks and acting, people are slowly become obsessed, forget about to actually enjoy themselves.

The obsession didn't just stop there. A couple of cases where fans actually killed themselves when the K-Pop artist committed suicide when they're too stress perhaps. How can someone from just any Korean band have effect on the society nowadays? It is not just about suicide. Some would gladly do anything for them. Try and ask them to lay on the street for the artist to walk on them like a red carpet? I would bet a 100 bucks that they're willing to do that...

How did K-Pop sensation effects the male in general? I would say, the hairstyles, the way they dresses, the way they speak among their peers and of course some just simply became more "gay" or I love to use the term "jambu air" to describe these males that are so trying hard to look like these K-Pop artists.

So the question remains, will this issue will ever be resolves? With all these hardcore fans still in the K-Pop world of "fantasy", hardly in the real world, will this ever remain as a global issue? Only time will tell.

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